It’s been fun. It’s been satisfying. It’s been the best summah evah!
Yesterday afternoon was spent happily with Minnie. First we watched “Babies”. After an appropriate (and then some) amount of ooohing and aahhing over the ridiculously adorable babies, we took a walk through Central Park. No, not the one in the Big Apple, but the one in Beautiful Burnaby. Or the New Dubai, as Len predicted. No idea. Don’t ask.
We did some powerwalking.
Yes, I know my style is awesome. I call it the Swinging Arms of Fury.
Min started a conversation with a squirrel.
Len scared it away and Min got sad.
Nah, we all scared it away and had a blast doing so. We’re cruel animal abusers and PETA will get us one day.
But not before they get these people first, with their feeding the ducks despite the plethora of signs everywhere telling us not to. Don’t do it people!!
But then again, if they hadn’t fed the ducks, they wouldn’t have been hanging about so close to shore, and we wouldn’t have been able to admire this handsome quacker up close and personal:
This little guy got some bread and thus found himself with a giant target on his er, beak. I’m tellin’ ya, car chases have got nuttin’ on duck chases!
We saw some pretty flowers.
And a beautiful Minnie.
A cute little bridge:
A cool picnic table:
It was beautiful.
Then we got sushi from Sushi Garden. Yum!
Look at Minnie sitting once again on her couch!
Another rousing tournament of Big 2! (played with Kanata’s chocolate trivia cards) No, these cards didn’t cause an intense craving for chocolate. No, not one bit. Pfft.
Kanata multi-tasked.
Minnie was the big winner two nights in a row. I’m placing my bets with her in Vegas!
She was also a walking advertisement for Robaxacet. Or the generic version anyway.
Thanks Minnie, my back feels much better today, but I’ll keep that drug in mind for future agonies.
Today was prep day for tomorrow’s first teaching day, complete with back-to-school shopping at Staples. Then a vegetarian meal to round out the summer’s eating and cooking adventures:
A veggie mix of eggplant, zucchini, and roasted cherry tomatoes over brown rice with sides of roasted chili/citrus chickpeas and pan fried tofu.
Best ever summer over, onto best ever fall!