Home renovations are finally underway. It feels a bit overwhelming at times, as we are attempting to do most of it ourselves, but we’re so excited for the changes to come!
We ordered the new kitchen cabinets a couple days ago, and they arrived today. 330 kg of IKEA Lidingo white cabinets now await my assembling prowess!
I sorted all the boxes into piles according to the cabinet they comprise and labelled the piles along the wall. My inner Type A-ness is coming out with great enthusiasm!
Oh, and dear 1970’s, your love of popcorn ceilings is gonna be the death of me. Hopefully not literally as I seriously inhaled buckets of the stuff as I waged war upon it tonight.
One super dirty Sauce later, the popcorn ceiling is no more!
We are completely re-doing the lower level of our house to make it into a lovely suite for my mom. New kitchen, new bathroom, and new flooring comprise the bulk of the changes we will be making. So far, kitchen has been completely demolished and electrical outlets have been moved, all thanks to my super smarty-pants of a husband! 🙂
Our reno plans are rather ambitious for two almost complete newbies, but we are excited and (pretty) confident that we’ll figure everything out. And when in doubt, we have our mentor, Mr. YouTube, to guide us!
As the to-do list gets longer and longer, and my anxieties start to surface, I remind myself daily how incredibly lucky and blessed we are to even have this opportunity to do this. A few short years ago, I never would have imagined that we’d be homeowners, much less in the position to do these types of renos. In the midst of drywall dust and sore arms, I recall myself 5 years ago, living in a basement suite, and I instantly have a new perspective on it all.
I’ve also been thinking a lot lately about my dad, for various reasons. And as we embark on our reno plans, I find myself missing him even more than usual. He was the ultimate handyman, and no project was ever too ambitious or difficult for him. He was a man who moved slowly in his decisions, and any project was always thoroughly planned and triple-checked before he began, but he was never afraid to challenge himself and learn something new.
Len and I have lots to learn, but we hope to channel my dad’s spirit, full of enthusiasm and perseverance, as we work towards our dream home.