Category Archives: Hanging Out

Wordless Wednesday: Birthday Week Fun


Posted by on August 10, 2011 in Hanging Out


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Catching Up

Good Heavens, I can’t believe how long it’s been since I last blogged. I am the world’s worst procrastinator. Seriously.

It’s been a pretty good couple of months though. Life has been full and I did manage to snap pictures of the events of significance, so this post will tell its story in pictures…

Spring this year in Vancouver was a bit ridiculously chilly, and summer was a long time in coming. But on the few gloriously beautiful days we had, all was forgiven as we couldn’t help but revel in this city’s bewitching offerings…

We partied with the city during the Stanley Cup Finals, and although we were not ultimately successful, we had a good time cheering for our team… (note: these photos were from Game 5, NOT during the fateful Game 7 that resulted in so much insanity in this city)

And we’ve of course had lots of good eats!

Spot Prawn season!

First BBQ of the season:

I had a rambutan for the first time:

(I decided that I like lychees better)

Or mangosteens for that matter:

Epic battles of Dr. Mario were had:

(That’s me on the right. Those of you who have played Dr. Mario will appreciate the story of EPIC proportions this picture tells.)

Then Len decided to take it to the next level and set up what he calls the StarCraft Lounge. But I prefer to call it the Dr. Mario Arena:

Yes, the screen takes up practically the entire wall. It’s insane. Insanely AWESOMESAUCE! 🙂

I have also been baking batches upon batches of muffins. One of my favourites was the Lychee Blueberry Muffin:

(Recipe to come soon!)

Then the school year came to an end, and we kick started the summer with a lovely Canada Day celebration. We cheered on my mom as she performed Tai Chi and Line Dancing at the community centre celebrations:

(That’s her in the back on the left 🙂 )

Then it was home to our fun and food-filled Canada Day celebrations with our friends:

(While this cake may look good, it really was not. It was heavy and dense and not at all cake-like.

Ah well, at least I had a heck of a good time decorating it!)

And we somehow ended up at the piano where hilarity ensued:

And I unfortunately didn’t get a picture of Jen and Anne, who were also celebrating with us. But it was a fun, fun start to our summer!

And there you have it…the fun stuff from the last couple of months. We are now enjoying a lighter work schedule and looking forward to more good times in the next 7 weeks!


Posted by on July 11, 2011 in Hanging Out

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