Category Archives: Uncategorized

From Tummywarming to Heartwarming

It’s still ridiculously cold! And I’m definitely not used to the cold anymore; I’ve been totally spoiled since moving to BC!

I had a very warming, yummy bowl of oats this morning:

I topped it with banana, toasted almonds, raisins, and “snow” (aka unsweetened coconut)! 🙂

I want to share with you a heartwarming little video that totally melted my heart…

Good night and stay warm everyone!


Posted by on November 23, 2010 in Uncategorized

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First Snowfall

It started coming down last night. The world became still and soft.

I love snow. I miss it so much sometimes. In Saskatchewan, the snow was so brilliant, so blinding, so beautiful in the ever-present sunlight. And the first snowfall there always put me in the holiday spirit and made me eagerly anticipate the coming Christmas season.


Yes, that’s my very nice, very considerate husband brushing off my car while I took pictures. 🙂

Is it time for Christmas yet??

What makes it feel like the holidays for you?

*             *              *              *

15 years ago today, the world lost one of the greatest pairs skaters in history. Sergei Grinkov. Together with his wife, Ekaterina Gordeeva, they were legendary. Ethereal. Beautiful. Incomparable. To this day.

My favourite program of theirs, skated to Rachmaninoff’s Vocalise and inspired by Rodin’s The Kiss:




Posted by on November 20, 2010 in Uncategorized


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