Tag Archives: royal wedding

The Royal Wedding

Ok, who stayed up all night to watch the Royal Wedding??

Well, I would have if I did not need to work today. But I did record it and watched it first thing this morning. And I admit, I totally teared up a number of times…starting with Kate getting into the car with her dad, her (very looong) walk down the aisle, not to mention the beautiful, ethereal music… The wedding had all the pomp and circumstance we expected, but was so elegant and relatively understated.


As has already been noted on every fashion website out there, Kate’s dress was simply perfection. It was classic, timeless, romantic, and so, so beautiful. I loved the lace and the simple veil. And those gorgeous earrings!

Other favourite moments and thoughts I had while watching:

  • The Queen totally rocked her yellow dress!
  • The unbelievable crowds outside!
  • Loved one of the signs someone made that read, “Checkmate. Kate — you’ve taken the King!”
  • All the crazy hats! Or better yet, every time Peter Mansbridge (I was watching the CBC broadcast) cracked jokes about all the fascinators.
  • The music was glorious. My favourite of the day was Elgar’s arrangement of the Jerusalem hymn.
  • Loved it when William saw Kate at the altar for the first time, and said to her “I love you. You look beautiful.”
  • And also after the wedding, when they got into the carriage, Kate turned to William and said “I’m so happy.” 
  • Those little bridesmaids were so cute! I totally melted.
  • Speaking of whom, my favourite photo from the day, which I still can’t stop cracking up when I see it:


Bwahaha! 😀 Oh goodness, that photo is just priceless on so many levels! That poor little girl… 🙂

I’m totally a closeted hopeless romantic at heart, and this Royal Wedding just played right into that part of me. I had such a fun time watching it this morning! And it also brought back memories of my own sacred wedding day with Len. I am no princess, I didn’t wear a tiara, and there was very little pomp and circumstance, but, as the Lord Bishop of London stated in his address, at the essence of every wedding day is “a day of hope.” I loved when he said ” in marriage we are seeking to bring one another into fuller life.” What a lovely way of putting it.

*           *          *          *

In other news, I attempted to make bagels for the first time this morning while I watched the wedding. Yah, I blame my being distracted by the nuptials for the epic FAIL that was that baking experiment.

I forgot to flour the board that I put them on, and so they stuck like mad. When I attempted to pick them up and drop them in the boiling water, they totally deflated and became deformed. I eventually was able to save a couple so that they looked somewhat like bagels:

But while they looked better, they were tough and chewy, and just not that tasty. My mother told me we should just buy bagels from now on. sigh.

And it’s been a lovely, fun week. We had a great visit with Kathleen!

We tried a new-to-us restaurant, Me and Julio. It was a great Mexican restaurant, and we had wonderfully fresh, delicious ceviche:

and plantain “ribbons”:

The day continued at Kanata’s for more good eats:

And Jen brought a fantastic game, “What?”, that was just a rip-roarin’, side-splittingly hilarious time!

And then there was this stunning rainbow earlier in the week:

That was the night the Canucks won game 7 against Chicago! 🙂

And we have a new world champion!! Congrats to Patrick Chan on winning his first world title!

It’s been a good week. 🙂


Posted by on April 29, 2011 in Thoughts

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